One of the most sacred of pastimes in life has to be the perfect Sunday morning. Perfection begins with deliciously hot coffee (a rarity with two small children clamouring for breakfast and a piddling puppy who constantly needs to be let out into the garden) and has to include The Archers on in the background. Jerry mocks me every week for listening to The Archers omnibus with the quip of “It’s no different from watching Eastenders.” Just to make it VERY clear, dear Reader…the Archers is not a soap as far as I am concerned, it is a serial on the radio. I can claim to have been educated in the ways of farming and the countryside simply through catching up with my weekly Archers catch up! Where else could I learn about the perils associated with farriery courtesy of Christopher’s horseshoeing accident, Ruth and David’s TB herd worries and Linda Snell’s opinions on the badger cull debate? There does seem to be an awful lot going on in that sleepy village of Ambridge!
Anyhoo, it seemed fitting that my perfect Sunday morning ritual should also coincide with acquiring the perfect breakfast treat: a warm croissant straight from my favourite baker’s oven. On Croissant Sunday, a monthly institution these days and only a stone’s throw from Twickenham stadium, I finally MET Mr Blackbird of Blackbird Bread. For those of you who haven’t already been introduced to the lovely Mr B (do read about him here), he is the baker extraordinaire whose patience and good advice finally got this calamitous townie into some hearty baking. I still can’t claim to be a good baker but I am learning all the time (trial and error mostly) and practice makes perfect as they say. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be an awful disappointment in the flesh and as Croissant Sunday approached, I became increasingly more anxious about meeting Mr Blackbird in person. A bit like Batman and the big reveal that he was actually Bruce Wayne! Would Mr B prefer the tweeting Margot to the real life version? When mentioning my nervousness, Mr B did remind me that underpants over trousers was not the most fashionable look……a fair point. Secretly, I have always thought that Wonder Woman managed to pull off the whole underwear on the outside look quite well but given that Wonder Woman and Margot are poles apart, I decided to opt for my standard uniform. Barbour, jeans and my new (now half chewed, courtesy of Monty) floral pumps. For the first time in the week, my coat was minus the hidden cocker spaniel! After a disastrous trip in the boot where we had to make an emergency stop (Monty had jumped through onto the back seats), we decided he was best left at home on this occasion! A dog guard for the boot has now been ordered!
I am happy to report that our ‘blind date’ was a success and Mr Blackbird, Mrs Blackbird and the delightful baby birds were a joy to meet. The croissants were seriously delicious too! Inhaled within seconds as soon as we returned home to the cottage! I shall most certainly be back for Croissant Sunday next month and I will also be trying to get a sneaky baking lesson from Mr B before I leave for the countryside. Twickenham and SW London lovelies: DON’T GO ANYWHERE ELSE, get your fresh bread here – Mr B’s baking (as well as Mrs B’s cakery) can only be described as heavenly and I can assure you a loaf won’t last the journey home! Blackbird Bread can be found here. I only hope that Mr Blackbird wasn’t too disappointed in meeting Bruce Wayne!
To add to the perfect Sunday, dear Reader, Jerry and I were delighted to see this new little number outside the cottage! It was a beautifully sunny day and I thought I would feel really sad about the finality of the ‘sold’ board but….I felt completely elated surprisingly. Moving to the countryside has been all Jerry and I have talked about for at least a year and now, the reality is in sight. Less than 3 months left until we leave the Big Smoke for a hamlet in the North Hampshire countryside. I wonder if they are ready for Margot, dear Reader?!
I am such a bread snob – can Mr B open a shop down here in the very south of London please? I have been eating supermarket bread that tastes primarily of cotton wool for too long, and am in desperate need of a quality baker within walking distance.
Also, very exciting that you have sold your house and the country life is about to start in earnest! You seem all set now, you even have a dog. Time to get your wellies on Margot!
Oh Judith DEFINITELY time for the wellies!!! Wish I could send you Mr B – he really is fab.
I’m massively in love with plays in radio 4 but have never tried The Archers.
I must give it a try.
Ooh it is brill! Tune in at 10am!
Yes, YES. The Archers omnibus is a must, in fact one of my most favourite times of the week is Sunday Morning, in the kitchen (by myself) preparing Sunday lunch and listening to Radio 4. I shush out the kids and husband under the guise of Sunday prep, but really I just want to be alone with Ambridge….
Happy Birthday 😀
It is one of favourite times too! Love catching up with all the Ambridge goss as I cook our roast! xxx
A perfect Sunday indeed – my mouth is watering thinking of those croissants. x happy birthday!
Thank you VERY much xxx
All of this sounds like perfect Sunday heaven to me – and I plan on something VERY similar when we move to the Country :). Mr B should have a bread shop in every town, the bread looks amazing (I too am a bread snob!!! – love that saying Judith). I shall be following – and sympathising – with your every house move as we start the same process. Thank you for sharing with PoCoLo and A VERY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY xx
Thanks lovely! Bread snob too! Wishing you a happy move too xxx
Good luck with your move! Sounds like a lovely Sunday. I confess I never listened to the Archers in my life, not even for 5 minutes (neither watched the Eastenders, I hasten to add). I think I have enough drama in my life without any extras, lol. Our Sundays could be called Pancake Sundays.
yum – that photo is calling me 🙂 hope you’ve had a lovely birthday too x
I so wish I could listen to the Archers over the screaming/shouting/requests from three overly energetic children in the morning. I might have to ‘send’ Daddy out with them on an errand to get some quiet time with the radio! We LOVE bread in our house(have been known to eat a whole loaf myself, not so proud of that though) so will definitely be checking out Mr B – Twickenham only a stone’s throw away, so perfect xx
Congratulations on the jaunty ‘sold’ board! How exciting. Now all you need to do is hone those croissant-making skills so that you can bake them freshly every morning when you’re in the sticks! My mouth is watering just reading about them….x
Can only just manage a loaf, croissants may be beyond me!! X