In the midst of the wet miserable winter with water coming through the ceiling, trampling through the endless muddy quagmire of a garden and carting wood into the house on a daily basis to keep warm, I wasn’t sure that spring would ever come to us. Yet, here it is and I am so very glad to see it, dear Reader. Such a tonic for the soul – birds singing, walking about without coats, blossom appearing in the hedgerows and the garden coming back to life. Not to mention catching a glimpse of one of nature’s truly awesome sights – hares boxing in the field. The perfect reward for our epic early morning school run.
Filled with the joys of spring and buoyed by wondrous blue skies and a sunny day in the offing, we packed the car to the rafters and headed for the beach. I haven’t seen Poppy and Primrose frolic about together so happily or heard them laugh so much in ages. Bliss.
Dora loved her first trip to the seaside too – splashing about in the sea, digging in the sand and managing to photobomb every photo I tried to take of the girls.
Lovely to have a day of doing absolutely nothing as things have been rather busy at Margot and Jerry HQ. From our first Point to Point as a family which saw Poppy completely hooked on the horses (she is currently planning her rise to riding fame when she tackles the Grand National whilst Primrose has developed rather too much of an interest in betting)…..
….to learning the piggy ropes on a pig course for a new smallholding project with lovely friend and fellow Good Lifer, The Townie Farmer and discovering rather too much information about breeding……
I’m still sniggering like a schoolgirl about this little gem, dear Reader. Definitely not Dior.
Then of course there was the excitement of Lady Agatha, our Cream Legbar, FINALLY giving us an egg…..
and the arrival of some wee Easter chicks. 4 little ones, a few days old, which a lovely neighbour in the village has installed in her shed with a heat lamp. I am not sure who was more thrilled, me or the children. One of these tiny fluffsters is destined to join our flock after a bit of growing time but for now, the girls and I are enjoying peeping into the box in the shed and giving them a cuddle, whenever we can.
Best of all that spring has brought with it so far though was a little something I’ve been waiting to arrive on the doormat. The May 2016 issue of Country Living Magazine with my feature on the wonderful charcuterie made at Parsonage Farm by John and Sarah Mills.
I feel honoured to have had my work commissioned by Country Living but to see it through to the shelves, married up with stunning photos taken by the HUGELY talented Simon Wheeler (his work can be seen in River Cottage books and so much more), has had me bouncing like a bonny spring lamb. I am so delighted to have been able to tell John and Sarah’s story and share it with readers all over the country. They are wonderful people, have taught me heaps and changed the way I think about farming forever. This feature means a great deal to me, not least because I’ve also ticked off No.1 of 3 on a wish list I made when I started writing nearly three years ago, dear Reader, when we moved from town to country. To be honest, if this wonderful start is a sign of things yet to come, then we’re in for a good one and I, for one, intend to walk with maybe just a little bit more of a spring in my step. I do hope you’ll join me, dear Reader.
Huzzah! Well done you, Margot, for your Country Living credit – looks brilliant! Hope you’re having a lovely Easter with all of your gang,
C x
Ooh thanks so much Carlie – it has been a lovely Easter. Hope you are having a good one too. xx
Fantastic news!
Sara x
Thank you Sara – I have had to keep it quiet for quite a while but so so pleased to see it on the shelves now. xx
I know exactly what you mean… It’s never guaranteed until it’s there in print!