Well what a week it has been! Just when I thought that things were settling back down to normal, Primrose, after weeks and weeks of exposure at nursery, finally contracted chickenpox! Spotty blisters all over her forced lockdown at the cottage and the girls and I tried to keep ourselves busy to help distract Primrose from feeling too itchy! A whole week in quarantine was not easy and we were on the verge of madness on several occasions. The girls and I painted, made egg box daffodils, constructed sets of Playmobil, baked and used a great deal of glitter and shiny sequins from Primrose’s Mister Maker box despite my innate control freakiness! Most strange……we are never THAT crafty in our house! Watching Primrose and Poppy playing really nicely together when they are usually at loggerheads over toys, I started to think that chickenpox had also delivered some sort of weird spell over the cottage. It was at this moment that I had a brainwave…. Perhaps it was listening to too much of Bob the Builder’s mantra (brainwashing as Jerry likes to call it) of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ or perhaps I was having one of those Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest kind of moments, BUT I suddenly decided to test out my upholstery skills. I know, I know, dear Reader, upholstery skills! This, coming from the woman who was flummaxed for an hour when trying to set up her sewing machine, the same woman who made sewing on name tapes look like a marathon. To cut a long story short, my Chesterfield sofa has been losing feathers at an alarming rate and more than one dinner party guest has received an unwelcome pinch of the bottom so something had to be done and sooner rather than later! The plan: to make a new inside cover to stop the feathers from spilling it. A challenge but I thought that with my dear Mamma’s help, I might just be able to have a good go at it. Apparently it is never a good idea to attempt such things unless one has experience……..
I don’t think that I have seen my lovely Mamma laugh for that long in some time! I have to admit it was very funny, dear Reader. The kitchen looked more like a chicken plucking factory than an upholsterers and at some point whilst I was sewing the seams on the new inside covers, my mother did question why I hadn’t paid the £80 to have them done professionally! I blame the Great British Sewing Bee for encouraging one and all to sew……let’s face it some of us just do not cut the mustard! A few hours later, some wonky lines of sewing courtesy of the machine (a bad workmen always blames his tools) and a lot of wheezing (turns out I had inhaled rather a lot of dander), my cushions were all sewn up and the cushions could go back on. Mission accomplished but I do think that if they go again, I might just take them to the shop up the road to have them properly upholstered! I can’t see the stitches holding for long…
Luckily for all at Margot and Jerry HQ, a phonecall from Barbara saved the house from further making do and mending inspired Margot moments! An offer to save us from chickenpox chaos, swapping spots for real chickens, freshly baked scones, scrumptious kitchen suppers and a dose of good old countryside air! Heaven! Weekends with Tom, Barbara and their darling boy are as restorative as a delicious cup of tea…..made in a teapot of course. (Barbara and I berrated Tom over breakfast for using a single teabag in a cup to make the morning brew – not at all the same!) Having introduced us to her new brood of hens, a rather attractive set of ladies, Primrose, Poppy and I were talking of henkeeping all the way home, much to Jerry’s bemusement! A wonderful way to end the Easter holidays.
Primrose firmly on the mend, it turns out that Poppy has now caught the pox…. Another week of quarantine but at least we have the prospect of our new little chap to keep us going. Only another 3 more days until we bring him home! (Not at all overexcited, dear Reader….)!
Oh no! Has she got the pox?? Was hoping B might have avoided that one! 🙁 sorry your steak was overcooked!) xxx ps not long till the boy! X
He might still avoid it….let’s hope! Steak was delish you silly xxxxxxxx
Oh my gosh, he is GORGEOUS!!! Will he have to go through intense chicken training? S
Sorry to hear about the pox, not fun!
Kate x
I love your posts so much & so does my dad. Cannot WAIT to hear more about Monty – he’s got a bit of a glint in his eye!!! x
Monty looks so cute, at least you know the pox will soon be over and done with, although not pleasant at the time. #PoCoLo
Sympathies for the pox, my two had it at the same time, not the pleasantest experience in the world. #PoCoLo
Do you know, you’re posts are just my cup of tea … to read when I have my cup of tea. The way you write simply makes me smile (hence the reason for now following your blog). Hope Primrose is feeling better.
What a LOVELY thing to say – thank you! You have really cheered me up and made my evening.
Great post , your feather explosion did make me laugh! I’m not usually a dog person but your pic of Monty made me Awwwww out loud! pleased to have found you via #PoCoLo
I love the connection between chicken pox, feathers and then real life chickens! And how on earth could Tom make tea with just one tea bag?! Monty is too cute – I am so looking forward to reading about him when you bring him home. Thank you for linking up to PoCoLo again lovely x
I do hope that the dreaded Pox leaves soon!!!
I believe that white feathers are sign from our angels – judging by that picture they must have been having a party at your house!! Do hope that the chicken pox is well and truly on its way out now xx
Ah, the dreaded Pox – my boys and it one after the other too (couldn’t have actually got it at the same time, could they?!). Hope it’s gone soon 🙂 And, Monty is gorgeous! #PoCoLo